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Poem by Sean Rowe

Poem by Sean Rowe

Come and visit me I’m down at the bottom, letting go of  history like I just caught em, life is a journey I’m goin’ slow on the road, bein’ strong  isn’t how high you stand but how low you can go, I stick  with music like its the only thing I know, its the one place that all my  expressions can be showed, Other wise they get buried to the core, cause I find it necessary to ignore, but I’m not hiding...

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Who are you GoodSearching for?

Yes its that time again, I have something on my mind. Anybody  reading this use search engines? What do you use to help navigate your way through the infinite world of the internet, google, bing, yahoo, or do you ask Mr. Jeeves himself? Raise your hands if you use one of these…… One, two, three, four. Come on now I know their is more people than that, I demand a recount (not by anyone affiliated with the George W Bush...

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