Random Thoughts

Retirement at age 85 instead of 65?

I overheard the other day while I was walking past the posionvision, that some millionaire was endorsing raising the retirement age to 85 instead of 65, and wow my jaw dropped. I already think that being trapped in a job for 40+ years is long enough to ask of a human, and to want to take another 20 years of what is suppose to

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Keep Dreaming

Today’s society is a ceiling. We allow bosses and CEOs to tell us what we are worth and we settle for just that.  But, why? Why are McDonalds workers only worth minimum wage? In my eyes every human on this planet is my superior in at least one way. There is no way that we as beings with a thought process can actually think

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Don’t Panic, It Will All Be Good

The waves of chaos that are ever enveloping us are growing. Steadily, surely, they are growing. So too, though it may be painful, are the people of the planet growing. A renisance of consciousness is sweeping through the world, and as the chaos steadily mounts, so too will the peoples souls be lifted up into a new state of being. More and more every

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The Human Up-Link Part Two

If you haven’t yet read part one of this series, you can read it here. So, we have one end of the spectrum of infinity - which is infinity. On the other end of the spectrum it gets mildly confusing to me and I can’t quite comprehend what the opposite of infinity could be so Ill just go out on a limb and say

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The Human Up-link : Part 1

The Human nervous system is, in essence, an electrical system. The nerves are of biological nature, of course, but the energy that actualizes the purpose of the nerves is electrical in nature. We are the symbiosis of electrical, biological and magnetic forces. With this in mind, know that electricity can flow only as well as the conductor from which it flows through allows -

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America and our Corporate Greed

A lot of things go through my mind in a given day. None more then what is going on in our government. With corruption and greed at an all time high, the 1% of the people who control 99% of the money are running our nation into the ground. With one example being our latest Fed Audit; anyone would be ignorant to ignore the

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A New Hope Has Risen

The empire continues to crumble to the ground around us. Look, eyes wide open and watch – the rug is being pulled from under our feet, the tower that was clung too by so many for so long is tipping over, toppling towards the ground. Thunder reverberates through the heavens and as the ashes settle to the ground the luminous jewel of all we

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Manifesting Your Thoughts into Reality

You have to ask a question before it is answered; you subconsciously talk to yourself more then anyone else though any given day. With this in mind who answers the questions you ask? If one never asked questions how would they be answered? Imaginative and open minds ask and answer their own questions everyday; for you are the only one who can answer them.

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Hands Team Call

We are the HANDS TEAM, this is not a dream. This is a movement, a world wide improvement. Reaching out our HANDS, across all the lands, Uniting everyone with Unity Bands. A global opportunity of  a lifetime, a mission to end poverty and stop all crime. Get drugs and crime off the streets, we will never accept defeat. This is not a job it’s a

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