Post Positive Project

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Hands Team member Jessica Chapman came up with an excellent idea to help spread awareness in communities. She pitched it to Hands Team and we’ve decided to make an official HANDS Project out of it.

HANDS presents the Post Positive Project! We have started posting post it notes with positive messages on them in high traffic locations for people to see. We feel its the simplest of things like a positive quote or message that can make people smile and be happy for a moment while they are mostly surrounded with negative, stressful lives.

We started with a test run on the University of Akron’s campus in Akron, Ohio. After receiving loads of positive feed back, we launched a tumblr page and have started documenting the spread of positivity. We also encourage others to join us in spreading positive messages and submit a post it of your own including the location and we will post it on our tumblr for the world to see!