Become A Montly Donor

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You can now become a monthly world changer with Helping All In Need Donation Services. HANDS has made helping those in need easy and affordable for everyone. By simply donating that 25 cents you would normally spend on junk food from a vending machine, you can save your health and the world at the same time. HANDS offers several different recurring donation plans for every person’s budget, so its easy to make a positive change. Below are some of the different recurring donation programs that we offer to get you involved in our positive movement:


Support Our Soldiers

With the help of you, HANDS is bringing smiles to our deployed soldiers with uplifting, positivity packed care packages. By becoming a recurring donor, you will change the lives of our brothers and sisters who are serving our country overseas. HANDS packs every care package with love and quality products that soldiers need and request in order to have a taste of “home” while away on their deployment. Become a life changer today by subscribing below and you can feel at ease knowing your supporting a soldier through deployment:


Donation Plans

Animal Shelters

Over 4 million cats and dogs are put down in American animal shelters each year. Most of these deaths can be prevented by supplying our animal shelters with the food needed to feed these animals. With your help, HANDS will change these statistics and help save the lives of homeless animals in need. Become a recurring donor today and join the movement to prevent unneeded animal deaths:


Donation Plans

Feed the Homeless

With jobs decreasing and unemployment increasing, there is now a growing number of people in need in our own country. Homeless veterans and families are fighting home foreclosure daily and taking to the streets as they have nowhere else to go. With your help, HANDS is going to feed our less fortunate, and show them that there are people who care. Become apart of the movement by subscribing as a recurring donor and you will aid in the fight against hunger on our home front:


Donation Plans