Nothing Funny: Eric Thomas Teaches Students Love & Respect
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Nothing Funny: Words of Inspiration From ET The Preacher

As soon as we saw this video on youtube we fell in love with the message. Eric Thomas the preacher is talking to a group of high school kids about loving the people that care about us. During this part in his speech Eric notices a group of kids that continue to talk and disrespect him while he is speaking. Eric handles this situation in one of the most professional manners we have ever seen and shows us why love and respect are so important.

Another very inspiring thing that we took away from this video was Eric Thomas’s message about why urban schools are “failing” in America. When talking about the African American school systems in America Eric Thomas said…

” The teachers want to know, the professors want to know, Well why are the kids… What is the problem with the school system? I’m embarrassed yall, I’m a grown man and I’m embarrassed when they talk about you all like that, and you know why I’m embarrassed? Im embarrassed because what they don’t know is that you’re not even trying when you take a test. You didn’t give it your best… They think you’re dumb, you ain’t dumb. “

Eric Thomas gets compassionate about how each of our students can do better, try more, and accomplish greatness. Watch the Nothing Funny video until 6:30 to see Eric Thomas challenge each person in the school to try their hardest. Here is how Eric Thomas tried to get these students to realize their true potential…

” We’re surviovors, that’s all we do is survive, and you are going come and tell me you can’t take a test? No you can take the test, the problem is when you take the test, you barely take the test. I challenge you to go in there, get that dog gone piece of paper and pencil and do your best, I challenge you. “